With Irit Rogoff, Bridget Crone, Adnan Madani, Joni Zhu, Ofri Cnaani and Francesca Lazzarini.
‘Advanced Practices’ - also the title of Visual Cultures’ newest PhD programme - emerged in response to the research turn in the arts. Here, artistic activity is propelled by exploring, inventing and restaging knowledge formats. This new modality follows on from our earlier focus on Curatorial/Knowledge that perceived the curatorial as the creation of events of knowledge, rather than displays of art works. Subsequently, the immense turn to research in the arts and to epistemic invention across the humanities and social sciences, has required an expansion of that original framework. Thus, in Advanced Practices we ask: ‘how can artistic practices rewrite the relations between different bodies of knowledge that rarely meet, and how can we engage these by working with them rather than studying them?’.
Our work in Advanced Practices joins numerous initiatives exploring new research paradigms, foremost the ‘European Forum for Advanced Practices’ with which our department is closely involved.
This event is associated with our ‘Curating and Institutional Practice’ research cluster.